SFMA webbinarium om delresultat om projekt AI fas 2. Vi tar nu spännande steg i SFMA:s AI – satsning med nya framåtriktade projektförslag med affärspotential. Projektförslaget handlar om indikering och prediktering av oljeläckage i fluida system inom industrin samt inom gruv- och mobila applikationer. Vi ger...
On March 17, SFMA's working group for disseminating knowledge held a theme day on technical purity in hydraulic systems. Around 130 people from the member companies participated during the day. You can now see the different seminars here.
SFMA will conduct a feasibility study on AI in the spring of 2021. The report shows that the global fluid industry is facing major upheavals in the long term. Digitization and AI are strong driving forces. The report also shows that there are several investments in digitization and AI, especially among the major...
At the autumn meeting for SFMA, a seminar was held by Karin Zingmark on the theme "How to create, nurture and develop customer relationships in the digital environment?".
Karin Zingmark has extensive experience of change management and communication from leading roles in various...
As part of SFMA's newly launched investment in AI, we are now starting up a series of webinars. These aim to spread knowledge and provide good examples of new applications / customer offerings concerning AI and digitization.
On January 19, the first webinar was held. First out on the track...
- June 2021 (1)
- May 2021 (2)
- April 2021 (1)